Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Something from Bohol

Okay so, Bohol. Gah! This post is sooo two weeks late and I'm effing sorry for that. I was just too bummed lazy to upload the pics. The fact that I didn't look good in most of them didn't help either. So what triggered me to still write this is BOREDOM. And because I'm blowing phlegm out of my nose every ten seconds. So I'm posting the pictures and let them speak for themselves. I'm just going to write a itsy-bitsy piece of my mind below them.

This was a very beautiful scene from outside the Bohol Plaza Hotel. It's like built on a mountain or something. It's just breath-taking when you look down and see all these greens before you. Makes you wonder why some people think the Philippines is ugly.

Okay, we (me, my sister and my step-dad) were in Hinagdan Cave here. It was dark so we really couldn't see the drawings. It was creepy-ly beautiful. And there's this cute little spring inside.

So here we are posing for the almost-dead effing camera. Gah, I have red eyes! And a red shirt!

The Loay-Loboc River. Oh, oh! I love it here! For lunch, we went to the RiverCruise restaurant. It's like a floating restaurant or something and it sails around the river. We waited half-an-hour for it to embark. It was so beautiful! I kept going "sugoi" to myself. The water was soo green, I fell in love with it!

The Ga--forgot-the-name-of-the-tribe Tribe. We stopped here for about 15 minutes and hanged-out with a bunch of dancing, modeling and fiery-arrow throwing Ita kids. Ooh, there was one Ita who was soo hot I couldn't stop staring at his abs!

Hehe, couldn't help a vanity shot at the Chocolate Hills.

Eh, how could litle hills like this be so Chocolate-y? They're breath-taking. Once you see those brown little mountains, the 180 energy-knocking steps is all worth it. And of course, worth facing my fear of heights.

This is the Hanging Bridge behind me. And it's not called "hanging" for a reason. I know I look happy but I was really freaked out. I couldn't even take a single step! Hehe..

O yeah, another river. Bohol should be called the City of Green Waters.

Okay, so you don't go to Bohol without seeing this cute little primates (smalles in fact in the world) called Tarsiers. EEEhh they're just soo cute and big-eyed! Oh and they almost look angry when you stare at them for more than five seconds.

Me and the tarsiers. Okay, I was trying not to defy the "Don't Touch" rule..

Heehee, my dad looks soo cute in this.

That's me in he Bohol Plaza pool. They have a great pool, big and shit. The only problem is the effiNG ancient camera. Gah! It's blurred!!! Eff you camera!

After swimming, I got constipated. Bummer, huh?

Last food I ate in Bohol. I ate some really yummy GOTO. :-D :-D

*******that's the last of Bohol************so we go to CEBU*********************

Yeah, my sister got married and it was obvious that she was pregnant. Yay! I'm gonna be an aunt.

**********************end of Cebu**********************************************

seriously, that's all. Well, I hope the pictures painted enough words. :-D

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A Bit of Everything


Well summer is finally here and it's kind of mandatory that I write something in here, even if it's going to be really crappy and stuff. Well here are the highlights of the my life before summer.

1. I lost 15 pounds. How? One decent meal a day. So everyday I'm like: "Wait, I had lunch so I can't have dinner" or "I had breakfast so I can't eat for the rest of the day" Yeah, at first, it was kind of hard. I even bought this "Diet for the Carbohydrates Addict" book which was really stupid because I didn't think that it was meant for those really obese people. So I really had rough time when I started because there was just food everywhere! But then I thought about my dream of becoming a porn star in Japan and how that dream is never going to come true for me if I stay on my 115-pound weight so every time something makes me drool, I just bite my lip and think of the dream fading away. So it worked and I got used to NOT eating. Before I knew it, I was on "starvation period" for five, yes FIVE, months and the weighing scale suddenly read 97 pounds, which is about 45 kilograms.

*But tse...summer always means food so I'm probably going to gain those pounds this month. Actually, I think it's already starting to show. Nooo! And to think I was already looking quite hot in a tankini. *blows nose*

2. I got tipsy, drunk and wasted. Dude, let's face it. I'm in college and being in college entitles anyone, even an introvert such as myself, to indulge into several rounds of drinks. Okay, maybe not few, but whatever. So the first time I got drunk was February 2, 2008. I was with Danielle and we were just finished watching Tuesdays with Morrie. It was a lovely Saturday night and we thought "Hey, let's not waste it on winks" So we went to Fiesta's Crib and ordered two, yes just TWO bottles of Redhorse. The funny thing was that all those people kept staring at me like they were asking themselves "what is a 12-year old doing in a bar with 2 bottles of strong beer?" Well, then I say, "12 year old my ass!" But of course I didn't say that out loud.

Okay, so that was when I found out that I was a HORRIBLY cheap drunk. Just half a bottle and you're already obligated to assist me when I walk.

The second time I got drunk, well not just drunk but TERRIBLY WASTED, was when I got a very questionable, but we didn't question it somehow, 3.0 in Literature. I mean, c'mmon, I'm fucking good at Literature. I even (almost by a point) perfected those stupid midterm exams. So how, you ask, did I get this questionable 3.0? Two missed quizes. One was 50 items and the other 20. So I missed 70 points all in all. Haha. Well, anyway, so I'm not really okay with 3.0 because Literature IS one of my major subjects and no matter how I try to console myself by repeatedly repeating "I'll make it up in the Finals", I'm just fucking depressed. Good thing though, there were several of us who got the same grade and felt the same way so Kuya Rex (an even more genius at literature than i am) suggested a couple of drinks, I was in NO position to DECLINE or DISAGREE! Fuck dude! I got a fucking 3! I didn't even get anything below 2 in math! Fuck!

So we went to this karaoke bar near the Main Campus and ordered one case of strong beer. SO I drained three bottles and a half (keep in mind that one bottle alone can get me really drunk) and before I knew it I was throwing up all over the place. ood thing Danielle was there and she was kind enough to accompany a very wasted ME home. But eugh! I can still remember that sick feeling welling up in the depths of my stomach, forcing its way out my mouth. Gah! Whenever I see beer, I just feel sick. So the next day,I got a terrible hangover and promised myself I would never drink again (Fuck me)

Third time I got drunk was during a random Saturday night when I got this "Damn, I want a beer" urge so I immediately sent a group invitation to my frieds. Unfortunately, only Mark Edson heeded the message (because he just broke up with his girl friend) and went immediately to Harrison's Park. There was a band and the music was ecstatic. Nothing happened though. Not anything fishy, I mean, not in a million years.

Fourth time was when Danielle invited (no actually forced) me to come with her and her councilors (because she's like the SK chairman in Pooc, Talisay) in a swimming spree (god, is that a word) in Villa Teresita. I really didn't want to go because I'm not good in dealing with strangers and I hate it when the word "awkward" pops in, in the middle of a conversation. But alas, Danielle was just too persuasive for me so I gave her a VERY VERY reluctant yes. Surprisingly though, I quite enjoyed myself. Her councilors were fun and friendly and accommodating and I kind of stole several occasions to flirt *laughs* So my new friends offered me beer which I of course indulged because I was in no position to decline (okay, that was an excuse) and got drunk again. And there was a dancefloor and music. So dancefloor+music+beer+great new friends= one wild disco night! Hehe, there were crazy people who make dancing look like sex. But gah, I didn't mind. I was just stoned.

Okay, so those were the times where I enjoyed myself with my newly found friend, Alcohol.

3. I am still confused. Okay so there are times when I just look at a girl, just appraise her and stuff, then I go, "Fuck man, I'm fucking bisexual". *sighs* So all this time I thought I was perfectly straight and I have to go to college and realize that I don't know if I'm really straight or not. Well, one thing is for sure: I am physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually attracted to one girl (strictly speaking, she's the same as me: you guys do the math). So we kissed ( a lot of times ). Hold up, there were no tongues involved. And since that, I've been having weird dreams and daydreams about us not just kissing. (Yeah, what you're thinking is right). *sighs* So I guess that alone officially makes me gay, huh? But I'm not completely gay so BISEXUAL is a more appropriate word. Because I still drool over guys and I still want to have hot steamy wild sex with Ueda Tatsuya and give those Japanese porn stars a run for their money.

And I still dress up like a girl. So I'm not gay. But I don't like to be called bisexual either. So what do I call myself? Confused. That's what.

4. I am officially addicted to DVDs. Well, nothing to elaborate here. Almost all of those who know me know I'm a movie sucker.

5. When you rest you rust. SO rust is enveloping my writing career.

^^^ so far, those are the times that have made me a lasting impression. It's quite a long post but haha, that's a compensation for the months when I haven't posted anything. So I'll post something about Bohol.See ya. :-D

You come to me, running with tears in your eyes and your arms longing to embrace me my hands, shaking drenched in blood, touch you for the f...