(a)way with thoughts
Tuesday, May 04, 2021
Thursday, February 11, 2021
a Valentines meal
for my dearest M
let’s forget about the fancy tables for now
the candlelight, the flowers, even the stars
let us make our way instead to the place
we have saved for each other on the table
shoulders touching, ready to feast on this
lovely Valentines spread
we have prepared for ourselves
for apéritif: our tannic isolation
the world, COVID-19—
hard to swallow, a strong and tactile
dryness that stays in your mouth
and won’t go away
your throat
your breath
your senses
an unsettling prelude
for our main course, a warm and
togetherness—tender, flavorful,
with time and laughter and dreams of
the future
we take our time to marinate our days
with memories
(dancing in the kitchen in
yesterday’s clothes
walking the dog as the sun sets or
when it rains
pillow talks and overtimes and the
smell of mornings)
searing off the grease of discontent
we will take out our dainty plates and savor this
we have built around each other
and finally, after all this, let us make room for
unassuming love frosted with strawberry dreams
dusted with sweet whispers into the night
should be enough to last us through this pandemic
we can put it in the freezer and take it out
time this Valentine hunger lurches up
from our bellies
so, my darling, let us hold hands and pray to God to bless
our meal
that He keep it fresh every day and forever, never to
spoil or lose its flavor
for tonight in this table where you and I are the only
Monday, January 20, 2020
For years, I had endured the kind of suffering only reserved
for the grandest of fools, those who believe they were fighting for something
true. And I fought hard to hold on, even as the water kept rising, and I kept
suffocating—because it was true, or I believed
it was. Now I know I had been an idiot, a blind one, an earnestly blind idiot.
And so I died. God, how I died. How it hurt. How I drowned
every day for weeks on end in my shame, my guilt, in the unbearable agony of
knowing I had caused someone unimaginable, undeserved pain. This is my
greatest regret, and the scar it has left in my heart I will carry forever to
remind me how I was weak and stubborn—but also as a reminder of how I was
forgiven. I can no longer hope for the forgiveness of man, but Christ has
looked at me with mercy and offered me another chance.
It is unfathomable that I could live again after all that
ugliness, yet here I am. I can only return his mercy, the grace that scum like
me don’t deserve, by living every day with gratitude. And so I am. My heart is
bursting with thanks that he has calmed the storm and invited me to walk with
him gain. I had carried my cross to my "death," and I have learned the lesson that this tragedy wishes to teach me.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Friday, October 20, 2017
Not all that glitters is gold
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
I have no more left to give, no more fight in me.
It makes me sad that the people who remind me that this city, which I have grown to despise with a passion, is still beautiful are strangers. And you, who have promised to help me, who are supposed to be a friend, only hurt me.
And now you have threatened to become a stranger, an empty thing with no life or laughter.
You have grown old in your heart, someone I don't care to know.
So really, what else is there? There is no poetry, no joy, no sign of Destiny. Just cruel words and mind games and stubborn people who have stopped at their wounds and cocooned themselves around it, watching it fester instead of opening up to be healed.
This is not the life I want to live, not the person I want to be or want to be with.
Today I am giving up.
Wednesday, October 05, 2016
It was my birthday yesterday, and already I've hidden in more than one cubicle to cry out the tears stuck in my throat. Every day brings more agony than the last, and the more I kneel in front of the Crucifix, the deeper it cuts. Where is the rest you promised? Where is the joy that makes all of this worth it? Why did you bring me here only to put me through this storm? Why don't you save me? Why don't you save us?
Christ, where are you?
You come to me, running with tears in your eyes and your arms longing to embrace me my hands, shaking drenched in blood, touch you for the f...

My words are lost and I don't know where to find them. It's been a good five months since I've written anything and every time I...
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well, i was on the clouds thinking of something new to write about then i caught sight of our class picture when i was still a freshman and ...