Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Happy Birthday

I turned twenty-one today.

I wanted to sleep early last night, but I ended up worrying about my manuscript till it was ten o'clock. I slept immediately though and was awoken by my first birthday greetings. Well, what do you know? Paul took the first, and Jodie was the second. I tried not be really happy about it, but I am. I am such a loser. I really don't want to focus on anyone right now. I don't even feel that it's my birthday today, for crying out loud!

But i did go to church this morning and was ogled by several men (one was in a car). Last night too when I got my brows done, the guy there (who was doing my brows) flirted with me---too obviously for my taste. I guess I should be happy about it now that people are starting to tell me I'm pretty again. My pimples have miraculously (thank God) relented and are now on the way to getting healed.

Kuya is here so I'll be having my birthday dinner on his expense hahaha. I'm looking forward to Friday too, but I can't say that it's an absolutely positive feeling. Part of me still hurts, and it's probably still too soon to see him again. But oh well. I should be over it sooon.

Now I'm at work, fact-checking and trying not to suck too much with this manuscript. It's not greatly written, but it's not bad either.

Gosh, I'd hoped to write a more happy birthday post, but I'm sounding really bored, aren't I? Oh, well. Happy Birthday to me.

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