Tuesday, May 04, 2021

You come to me, running
with tears in your eyes
and your arms longing
to embrace me

my hands, shaking
drenched in blood,
touch you for
the first time

your warmth, your light
has reached the darkness
of my heart
and I can feel it stretching
its muscles, its blood
flowing, its voice
preparing to sing

how wonderful it is
to love and to greet it
as it settles in your soul

"Obra Mai Fu"
George Frideric Handel

Gentle Lord Jesus,
have mercy on the villains,
the necessary evil,
for though his hands are bloody
his trail littered with dead men
his heart aches for beauty
for the flowers that grow
only in Your garden
and for the warmth of love
only You can allow him

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

You come to me, running with tears in your eyes and your arms longing to embrace me my hands, shaking drenched in blood, touch you for the f...