Saturday, August 08, 2009

This I Have to Say

Friday was the day I had too much to eat. Literally! My stomach could barely hold it in! It was because after play rehearsals, Patette and I had a spur-of-the-moment hunger and we jumped out of the jeep to eat in Shakey's. I wasn't THAT hungry but I was nonetheless hungry.

Rehearsals were okay. I had fun because we kept goofing around about Mrs. Pearce and Colonel Pickering getting a kissing scene of their own. Well, anyway, we'll be rehearsing today, too so come what may.

It's Saturday morning and I haven't got much to say yet except that I am utterly disappointed with this one person. It's so shameful to watch someone undergo a process of slow eventual damage. More so if you actually witness it. I am never the type of person to judge other people so I reserve my judgment until the day comes when this person either changes for the better or ruins his/her life completely. But now, all I can say is that I am disappointed. He/She has so much to give, smart and attractive and funny, and yet, he/she wastes herself over this humdrum useless gathering of vices.

But I guess there is something to learn from other people's mistakes. Seeing this person under the influence of alcohol and what-not makes me want to be better. And I want to be better. I want to understand why he/she is doing this to his/herself but truthfully, I really don't get it. Family reasons, perhaps? That's a fucking lame excuse. I grew up without a father and barely a mother and I'm not out there destroying my life. But I guess it goes to show how people can be vulnerable to the world. I think this person is special and I hate to see him/her waste away all the good things that he/she has.

*sigh* In the end though, all I can do for this person is to be there for him/her and pray that one day, he/she can see that the world is so much more beautiful that what other people try to make it seem. Ma, I am ending here.

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