11:20 pm, we nestled up and cramped into Auntie Aisle's bed. I should say that even if we were still freaked out, we slept pretty good. When we woke up in the morning, we exchanged funny stories, had a good laugh and went downstairs to have breakfast. Mama and Papa were more than accommodating. Then we watched Ghost Train (2 out of 5 stars -- too many ghosts) We were supposed to stay longer but my sister unexpectedly had her period so we went home ahead of the rest.
Sunday. I had a dilemna. I wanted to stay home. But it was either I go with the rest of the Baje Family to the Tabunok Fiesta or I go to Housing Fiesta by myself. Well, actually, it wasn't really a dilemna because it wasn't very hard to choose between the two alternative. Read this: FRIENDS.
So I'm letting the pictures (taken by our phones) speak for themselves.
Doreen's Advance Birthday/Debut Party giveaway. Her birthday's on the 18th but she still has classes on that day so she had to celebrate her birthday yesterday.
Rain. After Doreen's we headed to Chipoy's and ate (again.) The sky was already very dark when we decided to go to Carole's house. I was very reluctant because I don't really know her that well, I mean we DID only meet once.
But I guess I'd have to say that she was very civil and moments later, we were like close friends. We stayed at their house for about two hours and we went to Raymund's. It was already raining when we went outside.
No amount of rain can ever dampen our camera-whore spirits. *lol*
See how happy we where..
We were already at Raymund's house but we were still up for a couple of photoshoots. This is from left, Carole, Bridget and Elmer with my guitar.
Me and Elmer. We were both in red so we kind of thought to do an emo kind of pose.
With BOOZE of course! Haha!
Already 6:30 when we took this. This was our last shot inside the house..
Okay, maybe not..
Shot taken outside. It was really dark. And we were with Raymund's dog, Lucy. We then walked together towards school.
Okay, so when we were jsut doing that, we encountered a group of drunk (not to mention ugly) guys and they were verbally harassing us. We got all freaked out and walked really fast. Luckily, we arrived there without anyone getting hurt. Now, I had a problem. How was I going to get home? And then there was Keith..who was kind enough to take me home on his motorcycle. The bad thing about it though was my mom and dad were right outside when we arrived. Talk about awkward. They must've thought he was my boyfriend or something. No thanks. Keith is soo not my type.
So right now, I'm pissed off because I couldn't download a stupid split file. And I'm thinking later, I'd be up for a lot of questions. Scary.
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