hmm...the date isn't actually today...well we had the costume party some time in late march..but whatever. doesn't really matter. well, we had a lot of fun today even though like we had this hufe fight with my sister over my ipod. great, my whole new gadget lasted exactly one week and six days...and is now being shipped to singapore for replacement.
well, im over it now. im actually happy just writing my guts out. well, last night was amazing because i actually managed to finished the sixth chapter of my ficcie novel and write another one-shot! don't you think that's a lot of inspiration. well...that's the main reason why im updating ryt now. well, i wanna tell the story about what happend during our juvenile (not in a bad way though) costume party. it's pretty amazing how close me and my cousins are bonded to each other. i mean right after that party, i started hanging out a lot with them more often. well at frst, i was out of place because most of them are like 5-12 years old and im 15. but it's pretty awesome how easy it was to reach out to them.'
i was dressed as the devil that day and my sister as the (duh!) fictitious fiancee of prince that will ever happen. my other cousins were dressed as superheroes, one wore a tigger costume, klyde was dressed as chifu in mulan and erika, aya and kaye dressed as the sanggres of encantadia. my little cousins dressed as princesses and chaz, the bday boy was dressed as robin. his older sister, shana wore a batgirl costume while their parents, uncle gary wore the batman costume and auntie farah was the catgirl. auntie isalee was like the fairy queen or something and auntie vawnette was pocahontas. we had a lot fun and we ate a lot. then we had this dance competition and ate dirty ice cream outside where we featued as the main attraction.but i think it's one coat of arms of our family to love attention so we went in the center of the plaza or park and had our pictorial. imagine these bunch of people looking at us! they must think we're really crazy. but we are...
then like one week after, that klyde had his bday and we went swimming in humbayon. it was where we met these really strange australians who look more like badjaos. we played tag on water and then played uno cards when we got tired. when we went home, we proceeded to the plaza again to have our night picnic.
note: it's become a family tradition to have a picnic in the plaza at night when one of us is celebrating a bday or sumting. oh and we have this cool family council where im the self-proclaimed vice president. haha!
we ate ice cream again,which probably is our favorite dessert above all. then we played homebase and hide and seek and then tag. what i hated about it was that it took me this long to realize how fun it was to be a kid again and my cousins just showed me that no matter how old we become, we could still go have barbeque parties in the middle of the night and play hide and seek afterwards. it was fun and it made me realized how i love my family and how im proud that i was one of them.
also, my little crazy cousins helped me get over the fact i was a hopeless romantic and that i don't have to daydream about it to be happy because i realized when i was playing with them that i was much more happy being with them than being with him. and thanks to that, i finally learned to let go of that stupid pedagogic lovelife crap which i didn't know was holding me back from a lot of things. well know, i am inspired and i write a's because of my family that i write love stories. it's because im happy being with them that i have learned to be happy with who i am. it was because of their silliness that i realized that i'll always love being a kid.
i love my family, especially my cousins. and i don't think that no one, not even the hunkiest guy in the planet or the coolest group of friends could ever change that. That i swear to my father's grave (may he rest in peace).
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