Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Today I prayed to God to let me give up. My heart is so drained and screaming that it wants to expire.

I have no more left to give, no more fight in me.

It makes me sad that the people who remind me that this city, which I have grown to despise with a passion, is still beautiful are strangers. And you, who have promised to help me, who are supposed to be  a friend, only hurt me.

And now you have threatened to become a stranger, an empty thing with no life or laughter.

You have grown old in your heart, someone I don't care to know.

So really, what else is there? There is no poetry, no joy, no sign of Destiny. Just cruel words and mind games and stubborn people who have stopped at their wounds and cocooned themselves around it, watching it fester instead of opening up to be healed.

This is not the life I want to live, not the person I want to be or want to be with.

Today I am giving up.

My Heart Faint

I wrote this exactly ten years ago. About friends who don't look at each other as friends do. *** “Hoy, Cassy!” Boggs called out from be...